2008 Keystone Raptor 3812 in Logan, Utah For Sale

Type: Trailers & Mobile homes, For Sale - Private.
xxxx Keystone Raptor xxxx. Ready to head to the dunes or can be used as a two bedroom residence. Currently set up as a two bedroom trailer that has more than enough room. Including full size Loft with storage above garage. Loaded with all of the options. Fully dressed and ready to move in. Hooked up at a local RV Park and ready for viewing.
- Four seasons toy hauler with 3 Slideouts.
- New tires that are rated heavier than needed. Load range G.
- 12 gallon water heater that can be run on either propane or electric.
- xxxxw onboard generator with fuel tank.
- Onboard Fueling station.
- Sleeps 10 adults.
- Pressure washer with quick connect to water supply.
- Premium surround sound inside and out of trailer.
- Gararge has padding and carpet. Easily removable.
- LOTS of storage! - See more at: http://www.rvregistry.com/used-rv/xxxx669.htm#sthash.6E3yiwO7.dpuf
Trailers & Mobile homes in Utah for sale
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